The EKOenergy ecolabel is a nonprofit communication tool for consumers to help them announce their commitment to environmental sustainability. The ecolabel can be used for electricity and other energy carriers such as renewable gas, heat and cold.
The ecolabel also helps energy suppliers offer an easily recognisable and third party endorsed renewable energy product. This dynamic ecolabel is built on constant feedback from energy companies, NGOs, energy consumers and other stakeholders, thus applicable on every method of renewable energy procurement.

EKOenergy is the only energy label resulting from a pan-European consultation process, working within Europe and spreading beyond. EKOenergy’s criteria are based on consultations by hundreds of stakeholders: Electricity producers and suppliers, consumer organizations, environmental NGOs and authorities.
EKOenergy ecolabel ensures the sustainability and additional impact of renewable energy purchases.
- Sustainability: EKOenergy labelled electricity fulfills the sustainability requirements set by the EKOenergy Network and ensures minimal impact on biodiversity.
- Additional impact: For every MWh of EKOenergy-labelled energy sold, 10 euro cents are paid into the EKOenergy Climate Fund. Through this fund, EKOenergy finances new clean energy projects to fight energy poverty in developing countries.
- The EKOenergy label is based on best practices and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol recommendations, EKOenergy is also closely aligned with the recommendations of other nonprofit initiatives such as CDP and the RE100.
“The international EKOenergy label, which tackles energy poverty through its Climate Fund and provides additional environmental guarantees to protect nature and habitats”
Business Leadership in the Transition to Renewable Electricity by CDP, RE100 and the Climate Group p.19.
“The need to address climate change is growing immensely as climate effects become increasingly visible. On the other hand, due to the development of new technology, renewable energy is getting cheaper yearly. Therefore, EKOenergy is becoming more relevant as their ecolabel functions as a guide to highlight the best renewable energy choices available.”
UNDESA publication on SDG Good Practices: A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation, p.51
EKOenergy Criteria and basic information is available in many different languages.
For more information visit www.ekoenergy.org; or contact the EKOenergy Secretariat by email info@ekoenergy.org.
The application of EKOenergy for recognition by AIB as a recognised ICS was approved by the General Meeting on 13 March 2014.