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The centrally calculated Residual Mixes for 2020 are published here. As in previous years, the calculation has been completed by Grexel on behalf of the AIB.
The AIB Residual Mix calculation has been carried out according to the Shifted Issuing Based Methodology and the changed methodology continues to deliver consistent results.

The most striking note of this year’s calculation was that while the overall tracking and tracking of renewables grew, the residual mixes and the European Attribute Mix still had a bigger share of renewables than in previous years. The simple answer for this odd phenomenon is the pandemic.

The decrease in electricity consumption and production across Europe decreased the fossil and nuclear production. While at the same time the renewable production grew, the pandemic had close to no impact on the tracking of Fossil and Nuclear. In other words, the residual mixes and EAM had about the same volume of renewables as last year, but the volume of fossils and nuclear decreased, which led to the increased renewable share.

Electricity disclosure is expanding across Europe. This year, the results show six countries which are already operating in a full disclosure environment, or close to it. All of these countries and much more can be explored in the report published

2020 European Residual Mix

Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2020
Version 1.0, 2021-05-31