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Domain Protocols

A Domain Protocol sets out how the EECS Rules is implemented in each domain.

Each Domain Protocol must be approved by the General Meeting of the AIB before certificates can be issued, transferred or cancelled in the domain in question; and any changes must also be approved by the General Meeting in advance of implementation.

While the AIB has exercised every care in compiling and publishing the data contained in these pages, it accepts no responsibility for any errors and omissions.


AIB has installed a quality assurance system where all AIB members are audited. Each AIB member is now audited every three years. The operations of the members of AIB were last audited as follows. 

The letter behind the domain indicate the energy carrier (E= electricity; G= gas).

Swipe/scroll the table to see more

Country (region) Year of audit
Austria - E & G 2023
Belgium (Brussels) - E 2020
Belgium (Federal) - E 2023
Belgium (Flanders) - E 2024
Belgium (Wallonia) - E 2024
Croatia - E 2023
Cyprus - E 2022
Czech Republic - E & G 2024
Denmark - E 2024
Estonia - E 2021
Finland - E 2022
France - E 2023
Germany - E 2023
Greece - E 2023
Iceland - E 2018
Ireland - E 2023
Italy - E & G 2024
Latvia - E 2022
Lithuania - E 2020
Luxembourg - E 2023
Netherlands - E 2022
Norway - E 2023
Serbia - E 2023
Slovakia - E 2023
Slovenia - E 2021
Spain - E 2023
Sweden - E 2019
Switzerland - E 2018
Portugal - E 2022
Latvia - G 2023
Hungary - E 2023
Spain - G 2023
Finland - G 2024
Spain - G 2023
Finald - G 2024
Latvia - G 2023