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Consultation on EN16325 draft

The Consultation on the FaStGO text proposals for a revised EN16325 standard on guarantees of origin is closed

The FaStGO project provides expert advice to the European Commission DG ENER, based on the terms of Reference N° ENER/C1/2019-517: “Technical support for RES policy development & implementation. Establishing technical requirements and facilitating the standardisation process for guarantees of origin on basis of Dir (EU) 2018/2001.”

The FaStGO project team prepared a proposal for a revised EN16325 standard on guarantees of origin (GOs). Participation in the consultation on this text proposal was invited and ran from 25th May till 19th June. This text proposal and the consultation results shall serve as an input to CEN/CENELEC in their revision process. 

Our text proposal on the revised EN16325 is available for consultation here.

An accompanying explanatory note is available here.

The consultation ran until 19th June 2020 (23.59 CET), and a consultation report with an updated text proposal was published as Task 2 (see /project deliverables).

Background for consultation 

The EN16325 standard on guarantees of origin (GOs) which currently covers electricity GOs, is being extended to GOs for gas, hydrogen and heating and cooling. Also, it is updated to facilitate the requirements of the latest European Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU and to strengthen the reliability and robustness of the GO system in general. The text proposal builds upon the reports produced in the FaStGO Task package 1, which compare the existing GO standardization frameworks and identify the challenges which currently exist in the management of GO systems  (Task package 1 reports available here). 

Through this consultation, we are seeking your stakeholder reaction to our text proposal for a revised EN16325. We will process the responses to this consultation and consolidate them into balanced arguments, which (where relevant) we will seek to integrate into a further revised version of the EN16325, which will be used as input in the working group 5 of the CEN/CENELEC technical committee 14. 

Disclaimer and request for endorsement 

FaStGO provides expert advice including stakeholder consultation and is intensely engaged in the discussions taking place in CEN/CENELEC. FaStGO, however, has no decision power in the formal CEN/CENELEC process and has no impact on the final version of the standard which will be proposed by the CEN committee. The proposals by FaStGO and this stakeholder consultation will be an input in the CEN/CENELEC revision process. Therefore we will not only collect points for improvement of our proposal but also ask you to express the strengths and the elements you endorse in our proposed text for a revised EN16325. 

Practical guidelines for filling in the consultation response template 

In the consultation, you are first asked to fill in generic comments for the proposed changes to the EN16325. You will then have the possibility to fill in as many comments as you see necessary, which relate to specific paragraphs. Both positive (endorsement) and negative (improvement) comments are welcome! There is no character limits in the response fields. 

This survey is not a confidential survey. Though your personal data will not be used for any other purpose than to process the results, in order to provide a balanced and accurate report on the subject to the European Commission, your responses may be published and your organisation’s name may be associated with your responses. 

If you save your answers and wish to continue the consultation at a later stage, please make sure to use the link provided by the platform when returning. 

Your contribution is highly valued!