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Stakeholder Webinar June 2020

Webinar on the FaStGO proposal for a revised EN16325 standard on guarantees of origin
11 June 2020

The FaStGO project partners presented the headlines of the text proposal for upgrading the European standard on Guarantees of Origin and were pleased to experience a webinar with more than 160 real-time attendees and over 200 registrants, asking questions, and providing comments!

Slot 1 (starts at minute 7)
Welcome - Katrien Verwimp (FaStGO Project leader)
Introduction: Framing the FaStGO project - Henrik Dam (DG Ener)
FASTGO project outline - Katrien Verwimp (FaStGO Project leader)  
CEN revision of EN16325 on GOs - Daniel Pol (Convenor of the CEN/CENELEC workgroup on the revision of the standard)
Market needs, while building a European GO market for all energy carriers - Adam White (Director, RECS International)
General quality upgrade of the GO standard - updates from REDII - lessons from EECS - Remco Van Stein Callenfels (Senior Guarantee of Origin Expert, CertiQ)

Slot 2 (starts at 1:42hrs)
Electricity requirements - Markus Klimscheffskij (Senior Consultant, Gaia Consulting Oy)
Gas and hydrogen section - all presentations: W. Vanhoudt, K. Verwimp, A. Kovacs, F. Barth
- Categorisation of gases - Wouter Vanhoudt (Director Europe, Hinicio)
- Hydrocarbon gas requirements - Katrien Verwimp (AIB EECS Gas Scheme Group)
- Energy source specifics: renewable hydrocarbon gases of biological origin - Attila Kovacs (Secretary General, ERGaR)
- Hydrogen requirements - Frederic Barth (Senior Standards Expert, Hinicio)
Energy carrier conversion as a facilitator of sector coupling - Katrien Verwimp (FaStGO)

Slot 3 (starts at 3:37hrs)
Heating and Cooling requirements - Remco Van Stein Callenfels (Senior Guarantee of Origin Expert, CertiQ)
Carbon Footprint: optional data element on the GO - Frederic Barth (Senior Standards Expert, Hinicio)
Thank you for your attention - Katrien Verwimp (FaStGO Project leader)


The recording of the webinar is uploaded on Youtube (4.5 hours).